At $575, the perfect curves and master workmanship of Christian Louboutin’s “Simple Pump” represent one of the few remaining bastions of luxury wear that might be worth the sticker shock. In times like these, label-encrusted Vuitton bags and chunky Cartier watches reek of unbridled decadence. Even the most well-off fashionista turns up her nose on a $10,00 bag that will be yesterday’s fashion news tomorrow.
By contrast, the Louboutin pump provides style for ages. Few things offer more sophistication or sexiness than that subtle flash of ruby sole.
And don’t worry: One high-end item doesn’t mean you must possess a closet of couture. Times are a-changing. Mixing high and low culture signals sophistication. And given the nation’s financial troubles, we predict more brand mash-ups than ever.
So go ahead and slip on these Louboutins with a Forever 21 shirtdress and H&M trench. And every now and then, cross your legs, revealing to admiring onlookers that lovely Louboutin sole. It’s the best way to be in the red.