Designer Courtney Zapor paid homage to the Catholic school girl with a belted asymmetric dress design. Zapor's design featured navy plaid wool accented by a gathered white dress shirt across the bust. A pocket detail on a fairly exposed bum added an edge as model Annie Boardman held a dramatic stance evoking the crucifix. Zapor enjoys taking risks (besides the exposed bum, she styled the ensemble with rosary beads).

Designer Asli Whitham took her inspiration from Old Hollywood glamour with the perfect cocktail dress modeled by Karina Mariotti (and reminiscent of Ava Gardner in the 1930s), which featured a detachable fur stole juxtaposed on plaid taffeta. Perhaps a historical analysis of how the Great Depression limited fashion choices of the female sphere, Whitman makes the best out of her recycled fabrics, disguising the original functions of her materials.
In an over-the-top creation of men's shirts, designer Kaitlyn Carpenter reinterpreted Seattle grunge circa 1991. Layering a mass volume of multi-color plaids, Carpenter suggested boho femininity in her free-flowing design worn by Elizabeth Baker. A touch of black leather escalated the pretty-in-punk feel. Perhaps it's time to welcome the next generation of Riot Grrrl on to the scene.