You know you’ve heard it: if the owner of a salon cuts your hair, you don’t have to tip. It’s one of those beauty myths that I always just accepted as fact. When I asked Hairanoia salon owner Michael DeSalvo about it, he got his Sicilian on. “That’s fucking bullshit,” the goateed stylist yelled, “Who ever thought that up had their head up their ass.” Salty, Michael. Props.

Turns out potty-mouthed DeSalvo is on the money when it comes to
tipping. “If the salon owner is also your stylist,” beauty expert
Julyne Derrick writes, “then yes, you should tip him the same as your would a stylist who is not an owner. In the old days one didn't tip the stylist if he owned the salon, but times have changed and it's now protocol to tip.”
Real Simple limits tipping salon owners to “major metropolitan areas,” but DeSalvo is unswayed. “Think about it,” he begins, “I have one client who tips me and one who doesn’t. They both want to come in and there’s only one opening. Who do you think is going to get it? And another thing, it’s always the people that roll up in Mercedes that pull this shit. It’s very old school.”

“Listen,” DeSalvo continues, “I have one client that was blacklisted by McCarthy. That’s how old he is. He comes in and he tells me what he’s going to pay. He says, ‘Listen kid, I’ll give ya $12.’ And I let him. I even do a sliding scale for people who can’t afford a haircut.” It should be noted that at $17 a clip, Hairanoia is quite reasonable.”
“When you get me,” DeSalvo beams, “you get all of me. I walk you in the door, shampoo your hair and cut it. That’s not worth a couple of extra bucks?”