Whether you’re a die-hard vice-ite or just in need of some comic relief from trend report overload, Vice Dos and Don'ts: 10 Years of VICE Magazine's Street Fashion Critiques, serves up the perfect cocktail of clever humor and catty commentary. Authors Gavin McInnes, Shane Smith, and Suroosh Alvi travel the world over to bring you some of the greatest fashion faux pas. Vice chronicles everything from lizard-body-tattoo man to disco grannies, and a few other groups of people you never knew existed (Glam Jocks?). Caustic, pee-your-pants-funny commentary punctuates each farcical photo with obscure pop-culture references (Terry Shivo?). While taking the Do column seriously may be a fashion offense, this paperback packs a punch leaving you with a feeling of superior style. When shopping for the fashionista with killer wit and a (very) open mind, Vice Dos and Don’t’s is a definite do!